Miserable mortals who like leaves at one moment flame with life eating the produce of the land and at another moment weakly perish..
Landmines are among the most barbaric weapons of war, because they continue to kill and maim innocent people long after the war itself has ended. Als….
What we hold sacred is honor, justice, and glory. You need not swear allegiance to our storm god, to serve with us. Fighters are among us from many l….
The great question of the seventies is, shall we surrender to our surroundings, or shall we make our peace with nature and begin to make reparations ….
No matter in what land we may dwell the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ makes us brothers and sisters, interested in each other, eager to understand ….
The gentle rain which waters my beans and keeps me in the house today is not drear and melancholy, but good for me too. Though it prevents my hoeing ….
A sense that with the blessings that God bestowed upon this land, came the responsibility to make the world a better place..
The conquest of the outskirts of the atmosphere, and eventually space, is a revolutionary event, comparable only to the transition of the aquatic ani….
Do you know that books smell like nutmeg or some spice from a foreign land? I loved to smell them when I was a boy. Lord, there were a lot of lovely ….
I've always wanted to play with this idea - and I didn't want to leave it to the last season, but I wasn't quite sure when it was going to happen - o….
Ati sarvatra varjayet: Excess of anything is bad. Some of us are attracted to Good. But the universe tries to maintain balance. So what is good for s….
In all lands, sailors form a race apart. They profess a congenital contempt for landlubbers. As for the tradesman, he understands nothing of sailors ….
In '87 - four years after 'Sports' was released - my family and I began vacationing in Montana. I soon bought my first piece of land in Ravalli Count….
We cannot use a double standard for measuring our own and other people's policies. Our demands for democratic practices in other lands will be no mor….
Coming back to your native land after an absence of many years is a surprisingly unsettling business, a little like waking from a long coma. Time, yo….
Each day when you see us black folk upon the dusty land of your farm or upon the hard pavement of your city streets, you usually take it for granted ….
Because the public lands belong to all Americans, this 1872 Mining Act should be repealed..
Russia is tough. The history, the land, the people - brutal..
I guess that all figures into my approach because once I start hearing the imagination land stuff (that's my new phrase now I guess) I tend to tune o….
One generation passeth away and another generation cometh, but the earth abideth forever..
I drop in from the sky disturbing the silence only momentarily, then leaving the ancient land once more to converse with the sky. It's my home and al….