If the land of make believe is inside your heart it will never leave..
Everything has a price... No matter if it's fortune, fame or your life. I understood later that it's all about paper, Everything has a fee in the ….
I have feelings that are to the right, and I have feelings that land on the left side of the aisle. The thing is if you have 10 views that land you o….
Yiddish, the language which will ever bear witness to the violence and murder inflicted on us, bear the marks of our expulsions from land to land, th….
Christ is still in Christmas, and for one brief season the secular world broadcasts the message of Christ over every radio station and television cha….
Yet still there whispers the small voice within, Heard through Gain's silence, and o'er Glory's din; Whatever creed be taught or land be trod, Man's ….
As restrictions and prohibitions are multiplied the people grow poorer and poorer. When they are subjected to overmuch government, the land is thrown….
The Anglo-Saxon world saw India as an underdeveloped country. The land of snake charmers, the cows on the street, that "ex-colony-backward-nation" ki….
Speculation in land may be necessary to capitalism, but speculative orgies periodically become a quagmire of destruction for capital itself..
To be fully alive, fully human, and completely awake is to be continually thrown out of the nest. To live fully is to be always in no-man's-land, to ….
How can land be owned by another man. Warns one can not steal what was given as a gift. Is the sky owned by birds and the rivers owned by fish..
I do not yet know why plants come out of the land or float in streams, or creep on rocks or roll from the sea. I am entranced by the mystery of them ….
You call yourself what you want to call yourself. This is the land of the free..
When the British came to Ibo land, for instance, at the beginning of the 20th century, and defeated the men in pitched battles in different places, a….
There is no foreign land; it is the traveller only that is foreign..
It'll work, if God, wind, leads, ice, snow, and all the hells of this damned frozen land are willing..
Your legs were heaven, your breasts were the alter, your body was the holy land..
Well, it's hard to stumble And land in some muddy lagoon When it's nine below zero And three o'clock in the afternoon..
We need to close every church in the land for one Sunday and cease listening to a man so we can hear the groan of the Spirit which we in our lush pew….
To shut one's eyes to half of life that one may live securely is as though one blinded oneself that one might walk with more safety in a land of pit ….
In the land of the skunk the man with half a nose is king!.