It (his contract) has options through the year 2020 or until the last Rocky movie is made..
I've always said that it's like being the winner of three separate lottery tickets - getting a pilot, getting the pilot picked up, and having a show ….
The last sin, the sin against the Holy Ghost - to lie to oneself. Lying to other people - that's a small thing in comparison..
Speak as though it were the last sentence allowed you..
I've been on lots of film sets. I've produced films and written films and been around, so it wasn't my first rodeo in terms of that stuff. Nothing pa….
Did you read last nights assignments?" Say "yes'" and get hammered again. Say "no'" and the same thing would happen..
"You ever have that happen where you meet someone and just - clash? We were like a gravel and cream sandwhich." "That is the weirdest thing you have ….
In high school, every last one of the passing schemes was designed for me..
Birds which are the same color as the foliage in which they nest are less likely to be disturbed by other birds who want to drop in and chat, and the….
The labour Party has lost the last four elections. If they lose another, they get to keep the liberal party..
Death by hanging... I deserved it and I expected it, as I've always told you. I am glad that I have had the chance to defend myself and to think thin….
My last fear, the fear of God, died with my faith..
The last day does not bring extinction to us, but change of place. [Lat., Supremus ille dies non nostri extinctionem sed commutationem affert loci.].
We can with confidence set a goal to make this Christmas brighter than the last and each year that follows brighter still..
It is a pledge that senility has not the last say in everything..
I'm always looking for something that's versatile from the last..
Nobody steals from Creed Bratton and gets away with it. The last person to do this disappeared. His name? Creed Bratton..
My dad would always say, "When you look at a photo do you see yourself last?".
Most of the big money people don't know what would interest an audience if you did it. They only know what interested the audience last time..
I end not far from my going forth By picking the faded blue Of the last remaining aster flower To carry again to you..
But what you realise after you've been in the business for a while is that people develop opinions about you that don't have anything to do with your….