And there is the point exactly, we are all the time blaming difficulties on to something else. Our real trouble is that we are too soft to solve the ….
He who studies without passion will never become anything more than a pedant..
Learning is the dictionary, but sense the grammar of science..
Evaluation schemes that implicate 100% of the staff to detect a small % of incompetents are a waste of time..
Pompous asses knows how to put the moan in sanctimonious..
You cannot switch teachers on and off as if they were PowerPoint presentations..
A brainscan cannot interpret itself and neither can a data dashboard in education..
The most important emotion in classrooms is surprise..
Strong professional communities risk and sometimes relish conflict..
Physically, teachers are often alone in their own classrooms with no other adults for company. Psychologically, they never are..
We must use collegiality not to level people down but to bring together their strength and creativity..
On government & unions: the only thing worse than blind trust is blind mistrust..
Blame and betrayal are the emotional enemies of improvement..
Sustainable leadership does no harm to and actively improves the surrounding environment..
Your most memorable students are in your first classes and your last classes: make your last years the finest of your career..
High performance leaders create an inspiring future by connecting with a classic and honorable past..
Leadership is the cigarette that's smoked once the change has been consummated..
There is no algorithm for creativity..
What makes a child gifted and talented may not always be good grades in school, but a different way of looking at the world and learning..
Shakespeare, Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin and Abraham Lincoln never saw a movie, heard a radio or looked at television. They had 'Loneliness'….
One hour per day of study in your chosen field is all it takes. One hour per day of study will put you at the top of your field within three years. ….