The regular rhythm and upbeat tunes of military music or marching bands positively affect your mood even if you don't actually 'enjoy' listening to i….
Own nothing, control everything..
I'm not doing anything, and yet I'm also doing the most important thing a man can do: I'm listening to what I needed to hear from myself..
Actors are always going to have a little bit of themselves in everything..
We are the playthings of the gods..
It's great to be back on terra cotta.
The more you have to talk yourself into it, the more it’s not ‘it’..
Almost anything can be improved with the addition of bacon..
Neither can live while the other survives, and one of us is about to leave for good..
To learn that happiness is what brings success, and not the other.
No one places any trust in the words of the Americans..
I am more than what they say I am..
We cannot enslave others without enslaving a part of ourselves..
We are not only what we eat, but how we eat, too..
"You learn when you listen. You earn when you listen - not just money, but respect..
I love Rob Schneider..
God works powerfully, but for the most part gently and gradually..
I like the TV format. I like how fast it is..
Make my happiness--I will make yours..
Stories open up new paths, sometimes send us back to old ones, and close off still others. Telling and listening to stories we too imaginatively walk….
We are storied folk. Stories are what we are; telling and listening to stories is what we do..