I like my work to stand on its own as much as possible..
A painting is more than the sum of its parts.
There is beauty in everything, Just not everybody sees it.
Swallows and Amazons for-ever!.
Some changes are so slow, you don't notice them, others are so fast, they don't notice you..
The Church has realized that anything and everything can be built up on a document of that sort, no matter how contradictory or irreconcilable with i….
The whole is more than the sum of its parts..
In Architecture there is a part that is the result of Logical Reasoning and a part that is created through the Senses. There is always a point where ….
God cannot be understood by logical reasoning but only by submission..
Mathematics is not arithmetic. Though mathematics may have arisen from the practices of counting and measuring it really deals with logical reasoning….
Play stimulates the parts of the brain involved in both careful, logical reasoning and carefree, unbound exploration..