Though a country be sundered, hills and rivers endure; And spring comes green again to trees and grasses Where petals have been shed like tears An….
You were loved because God loves, period. God loved you, and everyone, not because you believed in certain things, but because you were a mess, and l….
I don't pull, I just receive..
Sing to me," she said. "That would be valiant, to raise your voice in this dark, lonely place, and it will be useful as well. Sing to me, sing loudly….
Don't attach yourself to anyone who shows you the least bit of attention because you're lonely. Lonliness is the human condition. No one is ever goin….
When I'm with him, there is someone with me in my house of grief, someone who knows its architecture as I do, who can walk with me, from room to sorr….
The desert feels Irish in a way - lonely and barren. If someone said, 'Think of a happy place for you,' I'd say a glacial plane near the South Pole, ….
Leading innovation can be a uniquely lonely and unpopular thing because most of the time, you have to stand by yourself saying, "Everybody sees the w….
We're living at a time when attention is the new currency We're all publishers now, and the more we publish, the more valuable connections we'll make….
People drain me, even the closest of friends, and I find loneliness to be the best state in the union to live in..
When I was a younger man, art was a lonely thing. No galleries, no collectors, no critics, no money. Yet, it was a golden age, for we all had nothing….
There is a music for lonely hearts nearly always. If the music dies down there is a silence. Almost the same as the movement of music. To know silenc….
If we don't teach kids how to be alone, they will end up only lonely..
Technology is seductive when what it offers meets our human vulnerabilities. And as it turns out, we are very vulnerable indeed. We are lonely but fe….
I can't believe in the God of my Fathers. If there is one Mind which understands all things, it will comprehend me in my unbelief. I don't know whose….
No one ever discovers the depths of his own loneliness..
Cycling can be lonely, but in a good way..
Lonely people tend, rather, to be lonely because they decline to bear the psychic costs of being around other humans. They are allergic to people. Pe….
My prayer today is to not be negative about anything for one day. It is so easy to be disappointed, critical, cynical. Nothing is easier than to be a….
Growing up I was always prone to obsession, partly because of the way I am, but partly because after feeling so lonely for such a long time, when I f….
The human heart is a lonely hunter-but the search for us southerners is more anguished..