A physicist friend of mine once said that in facing death, he drew some consolation from the reflection that he would never again have to look up the….
I look for the moment(s) in the story where the writer risked abandoning the glory of the self in favor of the possible relationship with an other. I….
If all people are encouraged to actually see who they're coexisting with, or even if they're not coexisting with other people.It's like to look at th….
It wasn't that the X-1 would kill you, it was the systems in the X-1 that would kill you..
The ubiquitous term "anti-aging" has become meaningless. Women today want to look like a more revitalized version of themselves..
Always do something that requires you and your date to talk..
People would read all kinds of reaction into it, but Tracy told me himself that half the time he was just standing very still, trying to look sober a….
Look after everybody So that they are happy to see you. It is better to serve the devotee of god than to serve god himself..
Me in drag is kind of scary, actually. It's frightening. I actually look pretty good..
With God, there is always a future..
You've got food stuck in your teeth," Vee told Marcie. "In the crack between your two front teeth. Looks like chocolate Ex-Lax..
One of the Taliban spokesmen said they have thousands of men who look forward to death like Americans look forward to living, which is great because ….
When Shakespeare doesn't feel like Shakespeare, it's the best..
There have been predictions that the world will come to an end on 21.12.12. But I look around me and I see so much scope for hope..
I am something that was. and I am something that not yet..
If you want to understand a nation, look at its dances and listen to its folk songs - don't pay any attention to its politicians..
If you don't look like the ruling class, bring your inhaler..
I happen to be a hopeaholic. I tend to look at problems as an opportunity to do some work..
What's interesting is, if you take the scientists and the theologians, the really good ones, they end up both filled with this wide-eyed sense of won….
Nobody is ordinary if you know where to look..
Any one prominent in affairs can always see when a man may steal a horse and when a man may not look over a hedge..