Never point at anything beige and call it cool..
You've got to tell your money what to do or it will leave..
Leadership must be demonstrated, not announced..
I love being able to perform in front of people. I like potentially making a difference in somebody's day or somebody's life..
But possibly I am something more than I suppose myself to be..
To say a thing 'must be', is the very power that makes it..
Rehabilitate the germs that cause bad breath..
The new evangelization ... begins in the confessional..
There are so many women out there relying on me to represent them..
You have to do what you fear, otherwise fear is in charge..
Bette Midler can say four-letter words and make you love it..
What could be worse than having to be seen resorting to your own life..
Better to be screwed physically than financially..
Love has something to do with recognition, We can be fascinated by the unknown, we can be attracted by it, but love is something that grows, slowly, ….
A curse on this game. How can you stick at a game when the rules keep on changing? I shall call myself Alice and play croquet with the flamingos. In ….
There was a time when He was not..
Love is not without its flaws. The stronger the love, the more it tests you. Compassion and empathy will make true love persist..
Love is what's left when you let go of everything you don't need..
Love is not a plant of slow growth..
Love is an impossible concept..