To have what few have, do what few do..
the only thing i knew how to do was to keep on keeping on.
Love can make us do dreadful things..
Do your best. And then let life do the rest..
Everything is overflowing with Gods..
At best, love is simply the slipping of a hand in another's, of knowing you are where you belong at last, and of exchanging through the eyes that all….
I proudly love being a Negro woman -- it's so involved and interesting..
I love to entertain. I love being able to make people laugh..
You, who were made by Love, made for love-- be still and know and watch love come down..
The love between humans is the thing that nails us to the earth..
She tilted her head to one side, considering him. "Do you love me?" "Love is a trick and a sham. A foolish plague and a lie and a torment." "Do you l….
Especially learn how to see..
Love is content with the present, it hopes for the future and it doesn't brood over the past..
Love is the fire in which everything is reduced to ashes. Only God will be saved. Only God cannot burn..
Anyone one loves is a potential enemy..
Love is an odd thing. As odd a thing as there is..
Studies say great harm can be done to a person if the connection between mother and child isn´t there from the start. Love is a basic need/instinct, ….
Love - is when you wish all the best to the people you love, when you put their interests and well-being above their own. Always..
Love begets courage, moderation creates abundance and humility generates power. Courage without love is brutish. Abundance without moderation leads t….
Talk without truth is the hollow brass; talk without love is like the tinkling cymbal, and when it does not tinkle it jingles, and when it does not j….
Don't anoint me when you can anoint yourself..