Be the most you can be, so life will be more because you were..
'Friends' was a magical thing, and no one's going to ever have anything like that again..
Hitler was a teetotalitarian..
Nothing sparkly can stay..
I have never gauged myself against anyone else..
unrequitted love amuses me.
Before the work comes to you, you have to invent work..
I'm happy, but there's nothing to jump around about..
Who's to say where funny stops and 'too far' starts?.
The best of Mozart's works cannot be even slightly rewritten without diminishment..
I never worked with a stinker. How great is that!.
How could she tell him that we come to love those who save us?.
You have to do things for yourself, not for anybody else..
Do what's right and you'll never go wrong..
I respect very much my public and also the music I perform..
I ain't from Africa. I'm from St. Louis..
Those that innovate the future understand history the best..
No one's ever called me anything but 'Arne.'.
It's time to discuss what it's going to take to get you beneath me"-GC.
Do not be afraid to be afraid..
Everybody has something to conceal..