Life without learning is death..
A comprehended God is no God at all!.
I was gung-ho, no question about that..
How many times have I created to destroy?.
Philosophically, I don't like doing commercials..
Possibilitas tua mensura tua'(What is possible to you is what you will be measured by)..
How can you do anything until you have seen everything,or as much as you can?.
Be less than what you are so that you can become more..
I always sang, I always acted, I always played..
I was hired as a penciler..
We must be sure to be governed by inner principle and not outer pressure..
I don't seek, I find..
Everything is deeply intertwingled..
See what you see, not what someone tells you that you see.
I'm never embarassed..
When did you trust someone to hold a truth as carefully as you did?.
I'm a perfectly equipped failure..
When I work I always find something..
I'm religiously celibate except in LA, NOLA, FLA, because there is certainly no God in any of those places. So unless you live in one of those places….
You can’t have wasted a life you’ve barely lived..
I'm a draftsperson. And also, I really respond to love..