In U.S. politics, 'compassion' means giving money and privileges to well organized interest groups at everyone else's expense..
A lot of these movies are informed by the movies that come before them..
And Venus must be hot if the history of the solar system is not the history of no change for billions of years. And Venus was found hot, not room tem….
Africa is on the rise..
You have to do what you fear, otherwise fear is in charge..
There are some things that cannot be expressed through words. And that is why we dance..
I've always approached screenplays and so forth with, "How would it really happen?" Not "What's the movie version?" but "What's the real-life version….
It is true, I thought. I am living a life..
Every living being seeks instinctively to complete itself..
Historians will look back on this era and how the Internet changed what we value, what we consider art, the way we think, the way we define what it m….
Film criticism became the means whereby a stream of young intellectuals could go straight from the campus film society into the professionals' screen….
Writing is incredibly hard. But I want to do it. That said, I make it the top priority in every day, which for me means the first hours after getting….
Increasingly, editing means going to lunch. It means editing with a credit card, not with a pencil..
I mean, I feel like I've been pretending I was a werewolf since I was a little kid..
All I do is listen to music. It's a weird thing. It's like I have so much catching up to do. I've always been over my head. That's just the way I wor….
You dig in and you find something..
To me, the most important thing was to treat people the way you want to be treated. Some people say that I'm a mean person. Well, you know what? The ….
Math is the only place where truth and beauty mean the same thing..
In art, new ways of seeing mean new ways of feeling; you can't divorce the two, as, we are now aware, you cannot have time without space and space wi….
You're always supposed to have sympathy for the person you're playing. You should be the one person who does..
I had heard everything, Larry gonna knock me out, he gonna beat me, this and that. I got so sick of that. I had a little talk with myself in my bedro….