The dictionary contains no metaphors..
I've grown up on a diet of metaphors. If young writers would find those writers who can give them metaphors by the bushel and the peck, then they'll ….
I love metaphor. It provides two loaves where there seems to be one. Sometimes it throws in a load of fish..
There's a metaphor for the American public in here," Gansey murmered darkly, "but it escapes me at the moment..
You are not made of metaphors, Not apologies, not excuses..
The fundamental sense of freedom is freedom from chains, from imprisonment, from enslavement by others. The rest is extension of this sense, or else ….
Certainly, the history of my life and the works of art which have especially enriched it is precisely that: the depiction or incantation of a handful….
People who speak in metaphors should shampoo my crotch..
A world ends when its metaphor has died..
Both the Freudian and the Platonic metaphors emphasize the considerable independence of and tension among the constituent parts of the psyche, a poin….
We are such materialists that all our metaphors are going to be material..
I started to think of Grace of Monaco as a metaphor for women in general..
If technology is not a metaphor for memory, what is it?.
Did you ever think about life as a metaphor for television?.
Poetry teaches us music, metaphor, condensation and specificity..
Any supreme insight is a metaphor..
"Lurking" is one metaphor that the Omniscience has allowed us to borrow..
Dumped doesn't even begin to describe it. If you're going to use a trash metaphor, incinerated is more like it..
Sci-fi is often a metaphor. I think it's more the themes and questions that science fiction raises rather than the exact predictions that should guid….
Metaphor is embodied in language..
It is one thing, then, to say, "The Bible contains the religion revealed by God ," and quite another to say, "Whatever is contained in the Bible is r….