Proclaim not all though knowest, or all though owest..
Politics is a thing that only the unsophisticated can really go for..
There's something about live recordings now that's too hi-fi..
Money has no religion except itself..
1999 was your last recorded output, and then Porter Ricks was put on hold until 2012..
Er-my-nee," Ron croaked unexpectedly from between them..
Go and do the things you can't. That is how you get to do them..
Don't screech like that. You'll wake the dead..
However bad your life appears, things could be far, far worse.
Say what you will, making a marriage work is a woman's business..
Frankly, once I've eaten a thing, I don't expect to see it again..
I am here wrongfully convicted and wrongfully sentenced..
I don't like being shouted at..
I don't choose my projects based on genre, I choose them based on the role and whether or not I've tackled that yet, based on the director and such..
What always was must always be..
Time is 'to make'. it is not 'to have'..
Images have an advanced religion; they bury history..
To see more is to become more..
Every time you are not practicing someone else is..
I only invoked what you already knew..
And I don't get down on nobody else for doing whatever else they do. To each his own..