Make no mistake, abortion-on-demand is not a right granted by the Constitution. No serious scholar, including one disposed to agree with the Court's ….
It wasn't that the X-1 would kill you, it was the systems in the X-1 that would kill you..
Always do something that requires you and your date to talk..
The nature of a democracy consists to an important degree in the right of the people to criticize problems and mistakes..
I think it's a mistake to say that to be a healthy, well-adjusted person you need a monogamous relationship..
We make mistakes, we have our faults, and God knows some of us have more than our share, but when danger threatens and duty calls, we go smiling to o….
With God, there is always a future..
With every mistake, we must surely be learning..
As soon as you become afraid to make a fool of yourself, you're in trouble. I decided I may as well just see if I can live with myself making million….
My mom really instilled in me this idea that parents are not perfect and they make mistakes..
When Shakespeare doesn't feel like Shakespeare, it's the best..
I am something that was. and I am something that not yet..
I believe the time we really look big in a child's eyes is when we go to them and apologize for our mistakes and we say, 'I was wrong. Will you forgi….
We all have within us a deep sense of what we need, and what is right and true for us. To access this we need to pay attention to our feelings and ou….
I think it's a mistake for young filmmakers to just buy digital equipment and shoot a feature. Make short films first, make your mistakes and learn f….
I think it's easy to mistake understanding for empathy - we want empathy so badly. Maybe learning to make that distinction is part of growing up. It'….
That's the most terrible mistake you can make: to relax. It's difficult to become a champion, but it's more difficult to maintain it for many years b….
I would have troops where they’re wanted, in our bases in Kuwait. I would have a contingency in case of an international terrorist attack. Our involv….
As actors you're always afraid to go too far but Lasse Hallstrom wants you to go too far. He wants you to do it wrong, to be over-the-top, and that's….
Once you start on an idea it proliferates in itself..
You don't always have to chop with the sword of truth. You can point with it too..