My failures has helped me as much as my successes..
World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and….
Increased wages, higher pensions, more unemployment insurance, all are of no avail if the purchasing power of money falls faster..
And so I was doing that and starving and somebody said you should model and I ran when they told me how much money you could make and I did a televis….
Broke is a temporary condition, poor is a state of mind..
What is not discussed, will not be advanced..
How can you hide from what never goes away? --Heraclitus.
Nothing did more to spur the boom in stocks than the decision made by the New York Federal Reserve bank, in the spring of 1927, to cut the rediscount….
I am one of the crucified dead..
Liberals always exempt themselves from the rules that they impose on others..
I think that focusing on the money, on the business, is not enough..
But you don't have your druthers in life, do you?.
Is anything accidental?.
And, for an instant, she stared directly into those soft blue eyes and knew, with an instinctive mammalian certainty, that the exceedingly rich were ….
Watching something is nothing like doing it..
You can't always say what you'd like to say..
There are good places to play and bad places..
The Threarah doesn't like anything he hasn't thought of for himself..
It isn't necessary to be rich and famous to be happy. It's only necessary to be rich..
There is no place to which we could flee from God, which is outside of God..
I read to be alone. I read so as not to be alone..