I think that when NASA works on a moon shot, they know too well that all of the people working on it must do their job at 110 percent. Sometimes they….
When I was doing Dobie Gillis, I got blasted off to the moon with a chimp in a rocket, and I landed on a deserted tropic island. That should have tol….
Vaisey looked like a startled earwig..
Before the use of asteroids, the only significators of the feminine in traditional chart interpretation were the Moon and Venus..
The earth covered with a sable pall as for the burial of yesterday; the clumps of dark trees, its giant plumes of funeral feathers, waving sadly to a….
I prefer true over happy now..
The moon in her chariot of pearl.
Nothing can come out of nothing, any more than a thing can go back to nothing..
I was so happy I wanted to fold all the people into paper airplanes and fly them into the lidless eye of that big yellow moon..
Kissed mouth don’t lose its fortune, on the contrary it renews itself just as the moon does..
We both wondered whether these contradictions that one can't avoid if one begins to think of time and space may not really be proofs that the whole o….
we reach with our hands and brush away the clouds and pierce the sky to reach the moon and Mars but we still can't reach the truth.
Tiers of mountains Cold wind feet Not need fan Ice cold through Moon shines bright Mist covers everything Sit all alone One old man.
From prescription, in the case of hypaethral edifices, open to the sky, in honor of Jupiter Lightning, the Heaven, the Sun, or the Moon: for these ar….
Eating alone is a disappointment. But not eating matter more, is hollow and green, has thorns like a chain of fish hooks, trailing from the heart, cl….
The night before I left Las Vegas I walked out in the desert to look at the moon. There was a jeweled city on the horizon, spires rising in the night….
There's a difference between dreaming and doing. The dreamers just sit around and moon about how wonderful it would be if only things were different….
I saw this film Moon, it's directed by Duncan Jones, David Bowie's son. Sam Rockwell plays this astronaut that is stuck in a space station on the moo….
[joking about the length of the Rolling Stones' career] You have the sun, you have the moon, you have the air that you breathe - and you have the Rol….
Microsoft shoots for the moon. Sony shoots for the sun..
As the moon retaineth her nature, though darkness spread itself before her face as a curtain, so the Soul remaineth perfect even in the bosom of the ….