Witch, do this for me, Find me a moon made of longing. Then cut it sliver thin, and having cut it, hang it high above my beloved's house, so that she….
Anyway, now she thinks of Estha and Rahel as Them, because, separately, the two of them are no longer what They were or ever thought They would be. E….
Some nights stay up till dawn, as the moon sometimes does for the sun. Be a full bucket pulled up the dark way of a well, then lifted out into light..
The lovers of God never run out of patience, for they know that time is needed for the crescent moon to become full..
Some people will tell you werewolves can only shapechange under a full moon, but people also say there's no such things as ghosts..
Anyone who knows me, should learn to know me again; For I am like the Moon, you will see me with new face everyday..
The music could even penetrate his remote world, more distant than the moon itself; it could even perform miracles..
By my intimacy with nature I find myself withdrawn from man. My interest in the sun and the moon, in the morning and the evening, compels me to solit….
Warren Moon and Doug Williams really didn't run that much. That's the negative stereotype when it comes to African-American quarterbacks, that most o….
The best night of my life was watching the moon turn red on an island .I think it was called the blood moon and it happens like once every - I don't ….
Some men of a secluded and studious life, have sent forth from their closet or their cloister, rays of intellectual light that have agitated courts, ….
A sense of wrongness, of fraught unease, as if long nails scraped the surface of the moon, raising the hackles of the soul..
I was out walking the other evening. This fellow accosted me, and asked if that was the moon up there in the sky. I replied that I had no idea, as I ….
Every year, at 8:00 PM on the second Saturday of July, hundreds of people gather along a section of Los Angeles rail track to drop their pants and mo….
A country so rich that it can send people to the moon still has hundreds of thousands of its citizens who can't read. That's terribly troubling to me..
A single message from space will show that it is possible to live through technological adolescence. . . . It is possible that the future of human ci….