We search the world for truth; we cull The good, the pure, the beautiful, From all old flower fields of the soul; And, weary seeker of the best, We c….
Back-to-School Chats, Advice from Mothers to Their Daughters..
When you've got a mother who's given birth to eight children, you know, often without any kind of medical intervention - just she gave birth to one o….
A guilty conscience is the mother of invention..
I was friends with Salvador Dalí until the day he died. Lucky me. I can't say why. I didn't live to be noticed, I lived to enjoy the excitement of do….
The happiest years of my mother's life were spent in Washington, D.C. It was where she met my father, where John was born and where I spent my earlie….
I didn't not perform..
The mother has to have enough food in order to produce enough milk in order to breast feed, but she has to know that she should breast feed. That's a….
Leadership has to be focused on some very radical ideas that only we as 21st Century people can talk about: making sure people have a livelihood, mak….
Christ subjected himself to the law of the seed in the earth, to the law of rest and growth. He was "one of the children of the year," growing throug….
My mother is the source of my unease in the world and thus the only person who can make me feel at home in the world..
I unconsciously decided that, even if it wasn't an ideal world, it should be. So I painted only the ideal aspects of it - pictures in which there are….
Nothing is 'just' anything with you.
...it's just as bad to live in a place where what you do see isn't there as it is to live in one where what you don't see is..
If I had a choice of educating my daughters or my sons because of opportunity constraints, I would choose to educate my daughters..
My grandmother and I followed my mother here, to a house a block north of Hollywood Boulevard but a million miles away from Hollywood, if you know wh….
Every father is given the opportunity to corrupt his daughter's nature, and the educator, husband, or psychiatrist then has to face the music. For wh….
I have to be a teacher to my daughters..
There is something special about unions of husband and wife. Unless we bring men and women together, children will not have mothers and fathers..
Meryl Streep is awesome. I really want to work with Emma Stone; she is adorable. Now I want to work with Octavia Spencer, because I met her and she's….
We are being programmed by mental pygmies..