One of the things that fascinates me is the music of speech..
Love can make us do dreadful things..
It's about us. It's about trust..
A smattering of everything, and a knowledge of nothing..
Everything I make starts very personally..
You can't be afraid until you have no other option but to be afraid..
Always sing below your potential..
I was 22 when JFK was murdered, and I will never recover from it... Never..
Uphill, downhill, I like that..
There is so much more to understand..
It is always about you for me..
Everything possible to be believed is an image of truth." -Taleswapper.
I don't want death to suddenly interrupt what I'm doing. I don't like the idea of death at all..
I was very aware of being younger than everybody on set..
You love me?” … “Yes. More than life..
I learned very soon to get along by myself..
One of the things I've realized is how portable God is. No really, He's everywhere!.
I take the Bible far too seriously to take it literally..
I love directing and that's where I'm headed. That's where my head is at..
You must always work..
We cannot make ourselves safer by making ourselves less free..