Music is the poor man's Parnassus..
The value of music is not dazzling yourself and others with technique..
Never play a thing the same way twice..
Music causes us to think eloquently..
Is not beauty in music too often confused with something which lets the ears lie back in an easy chair?.
Sometimes there are no gigs, but the main thing is the music. You can't take that away. The only person who can take that away from you is you..
Music in the soul can be heard by the universe..
My music had roots which I'd dug up from my own childhood, musical roots buried in the darkest soil..
The true beauty of music is that it connects people..
Jazz musicians have some outlaw in them somewhere..
It's taken folk a while to come around, hasn't it? Even the boys in the band weren't too sure about the whole art thing. They just wanted me to conce….
I came to town thinking that everybody had the same idea of what country music was that I did..
I don't get anywhere meditating," she said. "I see people sitting there with their eyes closed, a smile on their lips or else grave-faced and arroga….
Music doesn't lie. If there is something to be changed in this world, then it can only happen through music..
Jazz is not just music, it's a way of life, it's a way of being, a way of thinking..
To listen is an effort, and just to hear is no merit. A duck hears also..
Two touch the string, The harp is dumb..
Everyone has their own sound, and if you're heard enough, folks will come to recognize it. Style however, is a different thing. Try to express your o….
You explore beautiful songs & create your own interpretation of them..
The artist gazes upon a reality and creates his own impression. The viewer gazes upon the impression and creates his own reality..
But I think a song that is really emotionally packed, with a great melody that just will soar, that's the keeper..