See what you see, not what someone tells you that you see.
I'm never embarassed..
When I work I always find something..
I'm religiously celibate except in LA, NOLA, FLA, because there is certainly no God in any of those places. So unless you live in one of those places….
The disciplined are free..
Right now, we happen to be in a general period of regression, not just in education. A lot of what's happening is sort of backlash to the 60s; the 60….
I have always loved music..
I just find something to learn in everything..
We are what we do, especially what we do to change what we are..
I liked things better when I didn't understand them..
Be classy. Anything but trashy..
They can only kill us once..
Stop shoulding on yourself.
It's where we go, and what we do when we get there, that tells us who we really are..
If you're in something and you feel like it's not going well, what can you do about that? It's out of your hands. No matter what you do, you're not g….
I love anything that haunts me...and never leaves.
I've always been extremely physical..
We are what we repeatedly do but we can be perceived by what we repeatedly say..
It's rare when you have everything going perfectly all at the same time..
Ultimately, my hope is to amaze myself..
Since I learned English, I've become a motormouth!.