I'm a chronic relapser. I guess I always will be..
Live daringly, boldly, fearlessly..
I is what I is, and I'm not changing..
Happiness comes to them who bring happiness to others..
For to a folysshe demaunde behoueth a folysshe ansuere..
Better to separate than never to marry..
To me, the movie is about power..
Business is business and politics is politics and never between shall meet..
Now I have to motivate myself much more than I had previously..
You adapt yourself to the contents of the paintbox..
Never have so many been manipulated so much by so few..
Love cannot be explained, yet it explains all..
To do it nationally or internationally, you have to follow a few more rules..
I like that best as I am so hairy..
Politics has slain its thousands, but religion has slain its tens of thousands..
The full veil is not appropriate for Germans, and should be banned wherever legally possible..
By Thy power, let there be peace, O God!.
Take what you do seriously, but yourself lightly.
My failures has helped me as much as my successes..
Anything that I read, I read because I'm interested in it..
Every day you have to choose and cultivate your own happiness..