If you're willing to recognize the religious element in one secular ideology, you need to be able to recognize it in your own..
We assume whiteness is the default because whiteness, historically, has been the default. This is one of the many reasons diverse representation matt….
Ye need her as she needs ye....and Inuyasha...DO NOT FORGET WHERE YE BURIED ME!.
We need a defense budget that's big enough to sustain an increase in the size of the Army..
Like someone once said, "If you're going to play the part, you better wear the eye patch." You need to perform the function, you know..
No woman or man is any one thing and the men in my stories, well, some of them are good and some of them are terrible, and most of them make the live….
You get to a certain age, and you feel the need to reward yourself just for existing..
In Romania, I train on a bar that is bent. My gym has bad lighting and very little heat in the winters. Here in America, you have everything you need….
Beauty doesn't need ornaments. Softness can't bear the weight of ornaments..
Then something occurred to me. "Get closer," I told Blackjack. He whinnied in protest. "Just within shouting distance," I said. "I need to talk to th….
To me, acting is the most logical way for people's neuroses to manifest themselves, in this great need we all have to express ourselves..
The proper aim of giving is to put the recipient in a state where he no longer needs our gift..
Desperate ills need desperate remedies..
If what you said was true, where was the need to shout?.
Here you had John McCain and Lindsey Graham in a very principled way standing up and defending Barack Obama. You had people like Gene Robinson and a ….
We need to educate young people to deal with new modes of education that are emerging with the new electronic technologies and we need to educate the….
The last thing we need is another Clinton to be our President. Believe me, one lowlife was enough. We don't need the lowlife's partner..
If we want growth today to be more innovation-driven, more inclusive and more sustainable, then we need a more active state, not a less active one. Y….
The people know that they need in their representative much more than talent, namely, the power to make his talent trusted..
People will say what they want to say, and it's okay. And my life will go on, and I need to focus on my life. So, do I need to defend that I'm a dec….
What happens is that as the scripts are rewritten and re-edited in order to make the story more compelling, you sometimes end up with what you could ….