Lovers needn't always agree, anymore than poetry need always rhyme..
Trayvon Martin did not need to die..
That man,' Elayne said, 'is never where he needs to be.' 'And yet,' Perrin said, 'he always arrives there eventually..
God meets daily needs daily. Not weekly or annually. He will give you what you need when it is needed..
I hope we can all agree that, instead of continuing to subsidize yesterday's energy sources. We need to invest in tomorrow's..
I like these boots," I told Vayl. "Do you think they'd sell them to me cheap? I keep ruining mine." "Since when do you fret over money?" he asked wit….
Whenever we attempt to mend the scheme of Providence and to interfere in the Government of the world, we had need be very circumspect lest we do more….
You become acutely aware, if you're touring a lot, that you need new songs to invigorate the live show. And make it interesting for yourself, too..
When alone I am not aware of my race or my sex, both in need of social contexts for definition..
You need to tell the truth to the audience, or they will throw a brick through the TV. They'll turn you off..
If God has made the world a perfect mechanism, He has at least conceded so much to our imperfect intellect that in order to predict little parts of i….
I don't usually drink caffeine so that when I need it, it actually does something..
We need to ensure the poorest in the planet - who will be hardest hit by the financial crisis - are not forgotten..
Sometimes we need to take big risks if we want to find out who we are, and what we were put on this planet for..
What it's done for me is highlight the fact that we need to lean into the cartoon universe of social media..
We just can't love without God. God wants for us want we want for ourselves. These basic things are not that hard to grasp. We just have to have fait….
I think relationships are really hard. Each one gives you lessons that you need..
Now, if there was one woman in the world who didn't need publicity, who always had too much publicity, it was me..
In their greatest hour of need, the world failed the people of Rwanda..
Business is just about enabling human beings, nothing more, nothing less. Businesses need to recognize this fundamental fact..
Artists have so much more control of their futures - they don't need to rely so much on major labels or big companies to help them. You have artists ….