Children need close friends to help them grow up, to discover things about themselves and about life. They also need close friends to keep them sane.
People are so in need, in need of help. People want so much that they do not know..
You can't escape history, or the needs and neuroses you've picked up like layers and layers of tartar on your teeth.... Your every past action and th….
Campaigns are no longer high-minded exchanges of ideas, even though God knows we need more good ones - ideas, that is..
We have a revolutionary history to honor and uphold. Which was what Nelson Mandela did. He reminded us of that which we need to be reminded, over and….
It is futile to assume that an initially ineffective advertisement still needs to wear in; wear-in either happens quickly or it does not happen at al….
You don't even need the director's judgement. It's too much..
Style for me is a casual way of putting something on. It's not thought out but needs to suit your way of life. Now I like wearing the same sweater ov….
Remember, the past need not become our future as well..
I've never felt the need to be defined by a man..
I am focused, organized, and easily able to honor the priorities that need my attention..
We need to love people with our deeds AND our words because sharing the Good News is a process, not just an event..
Man needs so little... yet he begins wanting so much..
In a pinch, when my leather shoes need a quick shine, I take the inside of a banana peel and rub it on the leather like I would a shoe wax. Then I sp….
We tell market researchers that we don't mind paying more for green benefits but only a minority of zealots ever really will. A campaign that deliver….
Comic-Con is interesting because there's so much going on at once, it's literally impossible to do everything. You need clones and some sort of hover….
Eschew the ordinary, disdain the commonplace. If you have a single-minded need for something, let it be the unusual, the esoteric, the bizarre, the u….
You have to say no to the old ways before you can begin to find the new yes you need..
At times, you need to be forceful to get things that are stuck unstuck..
If you focus on the flaws of others it takes away from the improvements that you may need to make..
We also need to be willing to make room in our lives for the impending birth of our dreams..