We heap up around us things that we do not need as the crow makes piles of glittering pebbles..
God is the only being who, in order to reign, doesn't even need to exist..
Culture, with its processes and functions, is a subject upon which we need all the enlightenment we can achieve, and there is no direction in which w….
We not only need to train people, we also need to develop deflection technologies..
I was angry but not at God. I feel that you are closer to God when you are messed up. Definitely. That's when you most need God, and God cannot contr….
If He who in Himself can lack nothing, chooses to need us, it is because we need to be needed..
And, all these things need to be coordinated; so we all need to work together, have timers going and everything so we're all coordinated and get this….
Never lend if you need repayment; never give where you want a return..
People not only need a gospel-inspired vision of work, but they need a new vision of the Scriptures..
We need not stride resolutely towards catastrophe, merely because those are the marching orders..
But I think humans are innately religious as a species, so you don't need a specific excuse for examining the perversely unholy..
You need to have the ability to gracefully navigate the world..
Mortals did not need gods to order them to kill eachother. They were quite capable of finding reasons to do so themselves..
We need to promote development that does not destroy our environment..
I tend to overwrite; I need a good editor..
We must have design in a picture even at the expense of truth. You are using nature for your artistic needs..
Stress is a signal that something needs to change. Suffering, is when we don't make the change!.
You need not fear to handle the truth roughly. She is no invalid..
I always need your strength,Alec.
All of us need to grow continuously in our lives..
Divorce is just about change, you know. It's God saying, You need a change. And I'm going to make it so your bank account only has change..