First you find out what you have, Dad would say. Then you figure out how to make it work for what you need, 'cause you don't get what you want. You g….
It is not enough to want to get rid of one’s sins, we also need to believe in the One who saves us from our sins.. don't need ghosts to be haunted. Memory does that just fine without any supernatural help at all..
I’ve seen all I need to. I’m going to go drink now in a futile effort to wipe away the memory of this debacle..
Even if you have a problem, you don't need to be one..
Every action needs to be prompted by a motive..
I don't really need a lot of help from a director..
The treasure we seek requires no lengthy expedition, no expensive equipment, no superior aptitude or special company. All we lack is the willingness ….
The deepest healing is the healing of the deepest wound. The deepest wound is the frustration of the deepest need. The deepest need is the need for m….
Men have to have heroes, but no man can ever be as big as the need, and so a legend grows around a grain of truth, like a pearl..
I can't say what I'm going to wear all the time. The minute that I say that, then there's something in me that tips off and then I need to break out ….
Well, I'm not one of those people who needs the limelight. If I'm performing, that's what I'm doing. If I'm not, I don't long for it. I don't need th….
Yeah, to bring families together I need to go away..
What saved the economy, and the New Deal, was the enormous public works project known as World War II, which finally provided a fiscal stimulus adequ….
The real meaning of economic equality is "To each according to his need.".
We say to others only what we need to hear.
I believe in freedom Freedom's apparently all I need But who's ever been free in this world? Who has never had to bleed in this world?.
If our thinking is clear, how could work or money be the problem? Our thinking is all we need to change..
I'm learning to use others' weaknesses. I don't hammer a man's soft spot constantly, because he may strengthen it. I just save it as a trump up my sl….
Filmmakers need to realize that their job isn't done when they lock picture. We must see our films through..
Let a man be but in earnest in praying against a temptation as the tempter is in pressing it, and he needs not proceed by a surer measure..