When you have something to work with, then you fly with it..
No sciences are better attested than the religion of the Bible..
Let knowledge be guessed by the sign of equality to all beings..
Write your first draft with your heart. Rewrite with your head..
"The harder you work, the luckier you get" is true in all things..
It's amazing how if you turn up at a studio without an idea, a picture will take itself from momentum, and you quickly can lose control..
Certainly when you do a work for a public space, you lose control..
When you are through with the blues, you've got nothing to rest on..
Taiwan is the Republic of China, the Republic of China is Taiwan..
God allows in His wisdom what He could easily prevent by His power..
Happiness isn't wanting what you can get, but wanting what you have..
I'm like everybody else..
As you get older, you learn there are some things out of your control..
It is commonly thought that everything that is can be put into words..
Everything is personal..
For fear you will be alone you do so many things that aren't you at all..
The only thing that limits you right now is you..
Keep it weird. They'll get it later..
One always talks of surrendering to nature. There is also such a thing as surrendering to the picture..
We serve Him most who take the most of His exhaustless love..
Apply yourself wholly to the text; apply the text wholly to yourself..