There is no such thing as death..
We are what we wear, we wear what we are.
How I like to be liked, and what I do to be liked!.
I buy whatever I see, but I tend to not spend money just to spend it..
No. One. Comes. Before You..
I'm a very conceptual writer..
God, harden me against myself!.
In politics, what appears is..
Thought is borne of failure..
Only the fittest will survive..
One place is very like another..
Religion is a byproduct of fear..
Women are women, and hurray for that..
The rottenness comes from within..
Socialists are Liberals in a hurry..
Courage, Alexander,” she whispered. “Courage, Tatiana..
Gifts make friends and friends make gifts..
Accentuaute the positives - medicate the negatives..
Everything is expressed through RELATIONSHIPS..
For my second match it's pretty good..
I never have anything to talk about..