... the place you're in is pretty near what you're fitted to fill. Otherwise you'd get out and fill another..
Bacon improved things dramatically..
Temporize not! It is always injurious..
No one can be cured of being who they are..
I'd like to work with David Lynch again..
What gets celebrated gets replicated..
Let yourself be gutted. Let it open you. Start here..
Your anger is a gift..
Not everyone is at the top of his or her game all the time - you can't be..
I only appear to be dead..
Yes, I am very prolific..
Find your center and stay there..
I liked being challenged by music. It's good for me..
Yes, I am an Irish lass through and through..
Do for yourself, for no one else will..
I've always put myself intensely into my work..
The mouthier I got, the more I'd be celebrated..
Presents, I often say, endear absents..
There are things that inform the works, but that doesn't go anywhere near what you're actually looking at..
Tell them to send everything that can fly..
To the discovered, the discoverer can be a god..