We're all looking for something, something to be..
Be bold. You gotta be bold..
There's much too much mismating in the Microsofted phrasery of our day. And I like sentences that are societies unto themselves and shun any need for….
I have not been recognized..
with one image he would make that beauty explode into me..
Don't immanentize the eschaton!.
Anything was better than to be loved for one's things..
We're extremely young and have the potential to be anything that we want to be..
Freedom is such a gift..
Life can't be cured, but it can be managed..
Every thought was once a poem..
Never take a picture of anything you are not passionately interested in..
Every living being seeks instinctively to complete itself..
Someone suggested the Kaiser Chiefs while we were looking for a band name. We had so many ideas ourselves, at least one of us had said no to every id….
Some things are as they are regardless of what they were..
I'm not maximized yet..
Our work is to preach the gospel and we must not be sidetracked..
There is something in us that can be without us, and will be after us, though indeed it hath no history of what it was before us, and cannot tell how….
It is in your nature to destroy yourselves..
Everybody is entertained to death..
Being able to make a living doing something one truly loves to do - is my definition of success..