I have no knowledge of anything..
Why do you all push us around?.
My IQ is somewhere between Spiro Agnew's and Albert Einstein's..
I like to go to the movies or read..
When somebody says it’s not about the money, it’s about the money..
When success finds you, it's because you were looking for it..
I just never really thought there could be something worse than death..
Where there is change, there is happiness.
We animate what we can see, and we see only what we animate..
I am the place in which something has occurred..
It can't be Nature, for it is not sense..
Before GOD,no god,after him,there will be no GOD..
When I was 14, I tried to stab someone..
Live while you live, when you're dead you're dead..
Putin is somebody who really respects strength..
I'm not part of the history, I am the history..
I will omit but I will not distort..
Doubtless there are other roads..
I represent celebrities, but I am not a celebrity..
He looked at her Something Turned cancerous He was in love..
There's nothing that I buy that I don't wear..