I love the tempestuousness of oceans and the calmness and solitude of lakes. Also, sensuality that drips and runs down the spine. And I'm not afraid ….
When we get to the future, I'll decide the future..
There are five known gyres spinning around in our world's oceans. A gyre is a slowly moving spiral of currents created by a high pressure system of a….
As a surfer, I am interested in the ocean. And I am concerned and interested in all of these natural and cultural rumblings underfoot as well..
Can you know the mighty ocean? Can you lasso a star from the sky? Can you say to a rainbow... 'Hey, stop being a rainbow for a second'? No! Such is M….
Love (understood as the desire of good for another) is in fact so unnatural a phenomenon that it can scarcely repeat itself the soul being unable to ….
When anxious, uneasy and bad thoughts come, I go to the sea, and the sea drowns them out with its great wide sounds, cleanses me with its noise, and ….
For many years, at great cost, I traveled through many countries, saw the high mountains, the oceans. The only things I did not see were the sparklin….
There are cities that get by on their good looks, offer climate and scenery, views of mountains or oceans, rockbound or with palm trees. And there ar….
The ego is an island in the ocean of Hell. You want to get rid of the Hell but you don't want to get rid of that island. Then there is trouble..
The surface of the Earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean. On this shore, we've learned most of what we know. Recently, we've waded a little way out,….
May this house stand until an ant drinks the ocean and a tortoise circles the world..
This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal..
The surface of the Earth is the shore of the cosmic ocean..
Twas in heaven pronounced - it was muttered in hell, / And echo caught faintly the sound as it fell; / On the confines of earth 'twas permitted to re….
When all is lost, when all is let go of, when all is abandoned, what you are left with is an ocean of bliss..
Nearly all Americans have ancestors who braved the oceans-liberty-loving risk takers in search of an ideal-the largest voluntary migrations in record….
I want to do the right thing, but often I don't know just what the right thing is. Every day I know I have come short of what I would like to have do….
Following the devastating India Ocean tsunami of 2004, I founded Chefs for Humanity, modeled after Doctors Without Borders, but comprised of chefs. T….
I couldn't be more thankful to get my start on a soap opera. It was the hardest job I ever had. Got to practice in front of the camera, like, every d….
You see, time is an ocean, not a garden hose. Space is a puff of smoke, a wisp of cloud..