A servant wants to be rewarded for what he does. A lover wants only to be in love's presence, that ocean whose depth will never be known..
Socrates said, our only knowledge was "To know that nothing could be known;" a pleasant Science enough, which levels to an ass Each Man of Wisdom,….
One drop of that ocean is Hope, and the rest is fear..
If you would swim on the bosom of the ocean of Truth, you must reduce yourself to a zero..
Some things are only capable of being done in space. Examples of that are looking at our Earth from that far away, and understanding the entire proce….
The most amazing moments are when something horrible is about to happen or has just happened. The iceberg falling into the ocean. That aching moment.….
Each night the sun sank right in our eyes along the sea, making an undulating glittering pathway, a golden track charted on the surface of the ocean ….
Gaps don't/just happen./There is a/generative element/inside them,/a welling motion/ as when cold/waters shoulder/up through/warmer oceans./And where….
Nonviolence means an ocean of compassion. It means shedding from us every trace of ill will for others. It does not mean abjectness or timidity, or f….
Silence is an ocean. Speech is a river..
If you can't swim, the idea of being in nine feet of water is terrifying, much less the ocean..
I abstract it in my photographs: I like large planes and spaces, areas of texture and light, like deserts or oceans or monumental places..
I was very much disappointed in the Atlantic Ocean..
The development of artificial intelligence may well imply that man will relinquish his intellectual supremacy in favor of thinking machines. With oce….
I see nothing but Becoming. Be not deceived! It is the fault of your limited outlook and not the fault of the essence of things if you believe that y….
We scientists can argue forever about important topics like slightly different flavors of vanilla ice cream. Consider the silliness of this debate: o….
Neither earth nor ocean produces a creature as savage and monstrous as woman..
Many a calm river begins as a turbulent waterfall, yet none hurtles and foams all the way to the sea..
I am an agnostic, even though I respect and am interested in all religions. If there's something I believe in, it's a mysterious energy; the one that….
The secret of our success on planet Earth is space. Lots of it. Our solar system is a tiny island of activity in an ocean of emptiness..
I’m telling you, trouble is like the ocean. It covers two thirds of the world..