Love changes us, but we change how we love too..
Our senses are always part of the process..
When Cate Blanchett starts directing, it's over for all of us..
Never point at anything beige and call it cool..
You've got to tell your money what to do or it will leave..
Leadership must be demonstrated, not announced..
But possibly I am something more than I suppose myself to be..
To say a thing 'must be', is the very power that makes it..
Rehabilitate the germs that cause bad breath..
There are so many women out there relying on me to represent them..
You have to do what you fear, otherwise fear is in charge..
Bette Midler can say four-letter words and make you love it..
What could be worse than having to be seen resorting to your own life..
Throughout the Old Testament, God warns his chosen people about the perils of assimilation, shiksappeal and false gods..
Better to be screwed physically than financially..
There was a time when He was not..
Everything that happens in the Old Testament is a "type" or adumbration of something that happens in the New Testament, and the whole subject is ther….
Do you not know that the God of the Old Testament orders the Jews to consume and enslave the peoples of the earth?.
If Moses is our lawgiver [Old Testament prophet given laws by God] at this time let us obey him, not in part only, but wholly, and put every Sabbath ….
That the women of the Old Testament were dressed with oriental richness there is no doubt, nor are they censured for so arraying themselves..