Never let the things money can buy, rob you of the things money can't buy..
When somethin's not right it's wrong..
I love what I'm doing for a living..
Thought is the thought of thought..
The simpler things are, the happier they are..
I am one of the crucified dead..
Buy less, buy better, and really wear it..
Life moves in one direction only - and each day we are faced with an actual set of circumstances, not with what might have been, not with what we mig….
Humans sort of instinctively respond negatively to something that's not true..
It's not about how much work you're doing. It's about what work you're doing and how you're doing the work..
It is by doing anything that we become anyone.
There you are, sir. There's nothing more than to love and be loved..
How can you hide from what never goes away? --Heraclitus.
They memorize everything and learn... nothing..
The question is not whether you ever gave yourself to God, but whether you are His now..
Discover what you are..
I am Not The Best, But I Have The Potential To Be Something Great..
Everything is imprinted for ever with what it once was..
Music gave me something to do in my life..
Act right all the time, because someone's always watching..
What doesn't kill us makes us funnier..