There's an old saying - you'll never hit a target you can't see. Defining a Creative Challenge is an important step in focusing your creativity towar….
People create the illusion of acting natural, which is what I think most documentarians do in part because of the direct cinema orthodoxies that came….
Always try to turn a marketing disaster into a marketing opportunity..
Sometimes, we are so attached to our way of life that we turn down wonderful opportunities simply because don't know what to do with it..
I don't consider myself to be a media guy. It just happens to be that I've had opportunities in the media. I don't consider myself to be on a career ….
The good news is, we have a huge opportunity here because the President`s [Barack Obama] policies have failed..
Also, when we did "Smallville," we didn't have an opportunity to interact with people who watched the show. And see what they had to say and listen t….
conclude, what Thomas Mann really wanted was a limited physical relationship with beautiful young men: the opportunity to gaze at them, an occasional….
When you have the opportunity to make music with great musicians, take it. That's it. That's the only reason I need, really..
For those properly prepared, the bear market is not only a calamity but an opportunity..
Positive Thinkers get positive results because they appreciate the inestimable value of a day, this day, not the next day, but this day, and every da….
Life's full of opportunities to make crappy decisions that feel good. And after the first one, the rest get a whole lot easier..
I think that they had afforded me many opportunities to do good work there, and I think I did. It was a wonderful four years. I really worked with so….
It's a good community, country music, because we get the chance to sit down and... me and Tim McGraw spend a lot of time. Me and Kenny Chesney had th….
Nowadays with the internet, it's an equal opportunity brutal playing field. I mean, everyone is brutal to everybody half the time. People can be unbe….
Older actors, and women in particular, are getting more opportunities. It pleases me, its very good news for us. They say that people are living long….
We have an opportunity, but we have an obligation to senior citizens and to the younger people who are entering the workforce today to help ensure th….
I don't want to make black people's lives better by giving them somebody else's money. I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the mon….
I'm from Naples. I was born in a poor neighborhood and I always, in my heart, felt like it would be amazing to be able to adopt a child from Naples. ….
Every time you take a risk or move out of your comfort zone, you have a great opportunity to learn more about yourself and your capacity..
[God] is able to take your life, with all of the heartache, all of the pain, all of the regret, all of the missed opportunities, and use you for His ….