Dating someone on the opposite end of the happy spectrum teaches you an incredible amount of patience..
You know who your true friends are when things go wrong for you, but the opposite is also true. When things go well, the people who really love you a….
If [Barack] Obama or the boss or the newspapers or anyone else tells you they're doing this, that, or the other thing, dismiss it or assume the oppos….
I think it's interesting that the opposite of being active in yoga is not being passive. It's being receptive..
I don't like dudes. Not even for 1 second..
Faith is only as good as the one in whom it's invested..
If somebody says, "Oh, we're going to improvise!," I'm like, Oh, get me out of here..
Certainly, I think being depressed is absolutely part of the human condition, it has to be, if there's joy there's its opposite, and it's something y….
When the opposite of your prayer occurs, your prayer hasn't been ignored; it's been considered & refused for your ultimate good..
Voidness is that which stands right in the middle between this and that. The void is all-inclusive, having no opposite--there is nothing which it exc….
There were times when it would have been easy to fall apart or to go in the opposite direction, but somehow I felt that if I took on more step, someo….
The opposite of faith is not doubt, it’s certainty..
THANK YOU everyone for supporting me and getting me in the top 3!!!! I love y'all!!!.
It wasn't that I had gotten it right . . . but that I had gotten true..
Some things that are true are not very useful..
I'm so uncoordinated..
Suicide is, after all, the opposite of the poem..
Some people want to feel comfortable when they're performing; I'm kind of the opposite..
I'm not recognised much at all..
I don't think you should make music to make music, just to show that you can. That's the opposite of vitality..
For me, experimenting involves traditionalism..