Sweet as the tender fragrance that survives, When martyred flowers breathe out their little lives, Sweet as a song that once consoled our pain, But n….
if we cultivate compassion for those who have hurt us, we have the possibility of overcoming our anger,pain, and fear. compassion is a great medicine..
Anecdote: In a controversial way, Comedian and actor Bill Cosby sought to teach his son the pain of being lied to. Convinced his son had been dishon….
Sacrifice today for tomorrows betterment, you are willing to pay those payments with pain, because pain is just a message when you are fixing somethi….
Your deepest pain will be your most Glorious Blessing..
It is a cliche, and it is also true, that humor springs from existential pain - from a need to blunt the awareness that life is essentially a fatal d….
In opening we can see how many times we have mistaken small identities and fearful beliefs for our true nature and how limiting this is. We can touch….
And he sang to them, now in the Elven tongue, now in the speech of the West, until their hearts, wounded with sweet words, overflowed, and their joy ….
When you have walked through the hell of your negative thoughts and survived, no pain on this earth will ever again worry you..
Forgiveness is the only way to break the cycle of blame-and pain-in a relationship...It does not settle all questions of blame and justice and fairne….
What we most value, we shall think no pains too great to gain..
When you read a great book, you don’t escape from life, you plunge deeper into it. There may be a superficial escape – into different countries, more….
We may learn from children how large a part of our grievances is imaginary. But the pain is just as real..
Embrace your solitude and love it. Endure the pain it causes, and try to sing out with it. For those near to you are distant..
I learn it every day of my life, learn it with pain I am grateful for: patience is everything!.
The artist's experience lies so unbelievably close to the sexual, to its pain and its pleasure, that the two phenomena are really just different form….
And, as long as you can make yourself go on choosing the pain over the relief, you can keep going..
Love's very pain is sweet, But its reward is in the world divine Which, if not here, it builds beyond the grave..
I sped through heaven and saw god at work. I suffered holy pains. I dropped all my defenses and was afraid of nothing in the world. I accepted all th….
Chronic pain or other challenges are invitations; gifts that challenge us to learn how to manage the mind..
I'm not the person I once was. I have Thorn now, and... I'm not fighting for myself anymore....It makes a difference....I used to think you were a fo….