Imagine jumping into a pit of boiling acid. Now multiply that pain times fifty." -Percy.
It's a blessing not to be alone in your grief but it's also painful to see your parents and siblings in pain..
There is an authentic biology of hope. Belief and expectation - the key elements of hope - can block pain by releasing the brain's endorphins and enk….
Stop judging life! Look at every event as blessed. It is offering you the fastest track to get onto your highest, happiest and most successful state.….
According to the law that governs the universe,all sufferings are your labor of love to unveil your real self..
Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding. It is the bitter potion by which the physician within you heals your sick se….
Pleasure is always something apposed to pain it is never separate from pain.
What I love in working on film is just working with actors. It's one thing to write scenes alone over a keyboard and to imagine the actions and react….
I seek the utmost pleasure and the least pain..
We all know people who have been made much meaner and more irritable and more intolerable to live with by suffering: it is not right to say that all ….
The only thing pain can wring from a soul that has abandoned resistance and from a mind that has lost its hate is sorrow.
Without an uninvestigated story, there's only the perfection of life appearing as itself. You can always go inside and find the beauty that's reveale….
If a man does not die of a wound, then it heals in some fashion, and so it is with loss. From the sharp pain of immediate berevement, both the Prince….
You’ll get over it…” It’s the clichés that cause the trouble. To lose someone you love is to alter your life for ever. You don’t get over it because ….
That's what every uncomfortable feeling is for-that's what pain is for, what money is for, what everything in the world is for: your self-realization..
The commander must be at constant pains to keep his troops abreast of all the latest tactical experience and developments, and must insist on their p….
Only with great care. For thousands, carols will be their only link with a church. At the same time, sentimentality is perhaps the single most danger….
When people kill themselves, they think they're ending the pain, but all they're doing is passing it on to those they leave behind..
Everyone who has ever overcome hardship or adversity has done so in large part because he or she has chosen, consciously or unconsciously, to "let go….
God cannot send to eternal pain a man who has done something toward improving the condition of his fellow-man. If he can, I had rather go to hell tha….
Nature has placed mankind under the government of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure... they govern us in all we do, in all we say, in all we t….