You who wish to conquer pain, you must learn what makes one kind..
Trouble and pain were what kept a man alive. Or trying to avoid trouble and pain. It was a full time job..
Pain is a gift. Humanity, without pain, would know neither fear nor pity. Without fear, there could be no humility, and every man would be a monster.….
Women have many faults, but the worst of them all is that they are too pleased with themselves and take too little pains to please the men..
Aren't most of us dealing with the fact that we have moms who either weren't ready to be moms or had some level of resentment about it? Everybody is ….
The one thing I find the least romantic is taking a horse and carriage ride. I can't express enough how unhappy these horses are and how much pain an….
Love is nothing but a pain in the ass.
Differentiating from parental introjects and psychological defences based on the emotional pain of childhood is essential not only for neurotic or se….
In our country we call this type of mother love teng ai. My son has told me that in men's writing it is composed of two characters. The first means p….
Exactly! We run or we lose ourselves in something, somebody, anything to try and ease our pain..
Mutilation is the badge that can never be taken off, and sets us apart from all others. Pain is important to the bonding-a physical horror that bonds….
It was too much. The comfortable people made comfortable jokes about weather and things but I sat mostly silent saying a word or so when necessary a ….
Jane Eyre "I desired more...than was within my reach. Who blames me? Many call me discontented. I couldn't help it: the restlessness is in my nature;….
It pains me even now, even a million years later, to write about such human misbehaviour. A million years later, I feel like apologizing for the huma….
Great pains were taken to hide chains with flowers.
Even the mistakes and the pain that you've caused and enacted upon you. That is definitely what I'm trying to capture.
The more you move toward what makes you feel good, and move away from those things which bring you distress and pain, the healthier you will be..
If you keep picking a scab it will bleed and never heal. If you keep dragging the pain of the past up, it will never heal..
Silence is not only never thirsty, but also never brings pain or sorrow..
It is the duty of all papas and mammas to forbid their children to drink coffee, unless they wish to have little dried-up machines, stunted and old a….
We read poetry because the poets, like ourselves, have been haunted by the inescapable tyranny of time and death; have suffered the pain of loss, and….