Bad beginnings, bad endings..
Without someone telling you what you are doing is wrong, you can't say what you are doing is right..
Love the questions, themselves..
I is what I is, and I'm not changing..
Live daringly, boldly, fearlessly..
She tortured everybody around her, but only because she was more tortured than anyone..
I'm in love and I'm happy. Don't you see it?.
By Thy power, let there be peace, O God!.
To be in the 1% you have to do what the 99% won't..
I like a lot. Every once in a while they shred me on there, but it's usually pretty funny..
The only thing hard about being an actor is being out of work. So, when you get a job - that part ain't hard at all..
You won't see Moonves on Twitter..
Traveling takes a lot out of you..
Can we all just stop being dicks?!.
I've only been an asshole to assholes!.
Prepare yourself to be employable..
Love comes from the strangest places..
Better to separate than never to marry..
Love can make us do dreadful things..
You can make something out of nothing..
Love cannot be explained, yet it explains all..