Clausius and Darwin cannot both be right..
We learn nothing from history except that we learn nothing from history..
Truth implies meaning..
All I have to do is find someone who has something to say that will enrich my life and they can't get rid of me..
You don't have to be famous to be great..
I pretty much work all the time..
I have not been briefed..
happy all life for ever.
There are no incurable ills..
Science is not inherently good..
Don't take no as a full stop, treat it like a comma..
Fear is the beginning of wisdom..
Out of the total of 11 movies, I got slammed..
You have to learn to hallucinate..
Before we make music, music makes us..
I never thought I was the best; I just thought I was one of the best..
You're a sum of all your experiences..
You make history when you do business..
You instinctively like what you can't do..
Whoever excommunicates me, excommunicates God..
There seemed a gulf impassable between them..