Hear the truth from whomever says it.
If you got the truth, you put it out there, and everybody says, "Oh, my God. That's me." And then they improvise also. They take off, as well..
I consider everything I compose a gift..
Michael Jackson is everywhere. I can't not listen to what we did because it's everywhere. I listen to it all the time whether I want to or not..
No one is accountable anymore for anything..
What's your hurry? There is nothing up ahead that's any better than it is right here..
I love Twitter; I'm on Twitter quite a lot..
Wear the outfit; don't let the outfit wear you..
To the discovered, the discoverer can be a god..
Don't anoint me when you can anoint yourself..
You can't always say what you'd like to say..
I'm going to build a reactor, that's for sure..
There is no beyond, there is only here, the infinitely small, infinitely great and utterly demanding present..
Every experience is worth having..
I only eat things that you don't have to kill..
I make my relationships at work..
I like the TV format. I like how fast it is..
I'm sure you're always working in your head, but when you're actually physically working, you're in your studio, right? For me, it changes all the ti….
Here we are on the road. We must be going somewhere..
No one can be a true Muslim and a true American simultaneously..
It's not worth doing something unless you were doing something that someone, somewere, would much rather you weren't doing..