You have to make the good out of the bad because that is all you have got to make it out of..
Who Am I? Or (Perhaps More Accurately) Who Else Could Be Me?.
Being short works for me..
I will admit, it's so intoxicating working with Steve Carrell. Creatively and professionally..
Everything I wear is a do and everything else is a don't!.
Whatever you've learned becomes truly useful to you only once it has become second nature..
God comes to you disguised as your life..
Failures are infinitely more instructive than successes..
I live to service you.
Being alone is and nothing is altogether not..
I was the first person Donald Trump threatened to sue on Twitter..
No. One. Comes. Before You..
You cannot become Happy, You can only Be Happy..
There's something about live recordings now that's too hi-fi..
Say what you doin and not what you finna do.
I got no time for the jibba-jabba..
I do see myself going to LA. Not anytime soon..
You are alone with everything you love..
And so love goes. And so life goes. And so I go..
But the thing that will always occupy me the most is music..
I always knew what I was doing..