I am open to everything..
Celebrities say the darnedest things..
No one actually lives as if there is no objective truth..
Nothing worth noting..
I've always dressed like a dude..
Is not poetry the food of love?.
No one ever gets to see what could’ve been..
Build a life, don't live one....
I don't really get recognised very much..
I never learn my lesson..
Maybe it's what we don't say/that saves us..
The mainstream media hears what it wants to hear and has its own narratives..
The spectacle is capital accumulated to the point where it becomes image..
When you get to the top, stay there and make sure other women join you..
I'll tell you what can make bacon better... nothing..
I am often criticised for being rather accessible..
I'm told there's no going back. So I'm choosing forward..
I outlived the bastards..
Lyrically, I feel like there are things I always go back to, having to do with relationships..
Don't leave. Stay, and make things better..
I'd like to be more approachable, not less weird.