You don't spend your money while you're making it. You don't have time..
Failure is an option, fear is not..
I'm the only thing I'll ever hold against you..
I don't compete with others, but compete with myself..
Hitler was a teetotalitarian..
I'm so into momminess..
I'm here with the Girardo family here in St. Louis..
For things to change, we must change..
I'm going to do things when they are right for me..
In the beginning was the image..
The mouthier I got, the more I'd be celebrated..
Can'ttrustpeople. Won'tdoanygood. They'llkillyoueverytime. They'llkilleachother. They'llkilleveryone..
Time is 'to make'. it is not 'to have'..
Life's managed, not cured..
It's funny how the history of Jeb Bush is going to be rewritten..
Everybody sings from their diaphragm..
A lot of the bunkering is designed more to save you than it is to penalize you..
Stay small and control it yourself..
There is power in forgiveness..
God's been good to me, He really has..