That's another thing," she said. "You no longer need other people in your life once you have found your true love. No wonder Magnus feels he cannot o….
When you're successful, there will be friends, people, VIPs rallying around you. When you're down and out, you're all alone. That's why it's importan….
There are plenty of people who are willing to pay $2.6 million for 30 seconds on the Super Bowl and hundreds of thousands of dollars for 'American Id….
Back before the internet we had a name for people who bought a single copy of our books and lent them to all their friends without charging: we calle….
I feel the craziest people are sometimes the most intelligent..
Through teaching myself how to be happy and get through things, I hope I can also do that for other people..
I'm not really into movies on dates because you can't chat it up..
I don't compete with others, but compete with myself..
We are, after all, homo economicus..
There is no such thing, incidentally, as one kudo..
You have brought hope to those who have none.
Most people try to make a better world for our children when what they should be doing is making better children for our world..
You cannot live without doing something..
Musicians coming together at a time of need is one of the great traditions in this country. It's like people taking charge..
I have no doubt that most people who listen to Alison Krauss and say they like bluegrass have never heard real bluegrass played in the traditional ma….
Knowledge is after all a non-rivalrous good.
When you are in love- everything is romantic.
I would like to do some musicals..
He's one kind of person, you're another. When life is going along normally, you're sort of the same. But when life turns strange and scary, when ther….
What can you take from me which is not already yours?.
So many things I'm not, and so few things I am..